" Your Grace has found me just as I am ~ empty handed but alive in

Your Hands....."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Birding in 2011......

End of February a Red Pharlarope turned up at a pan in Harrismith. On Saturday 26th I decided to head out that way too....
En route I did the Botha's Lark Triangle in Harrismith. Here I picked up Botha's, Pink-billed, Spike-heeled, Sabota Larks and Eastern Long-billed Lark for my year list. Another few worht mentioning: Black-necked Grebe, Southern Bald Ibis, Blue Cranes, QuailFinches, and off course the Red Pharlarope at Alexpan.

Birding in 2011......

Double-banded Sandgrouses were plentiful too...

Birding in 2011......

European, Lilac-breasted and Broad-billed Rollers were plentifull:

Birding in 2011......

Retz's Helmet Shrike / Green-backed Heron / Woodlands Kingfisher & Dusky Larks...

Birding in 2011......

And off course....the majestic Martial Eagle...

Birding in 2011......

Sometimes Juvenile Fish Eagles can confuse people in trying to ID it. This one however, is a sub-adult. Seen at Letaba.

I'm sure by now, everybody knows that eagles have a special place in my heart.....I would love to be able to soar on the wind, high above all the heartaches and pain of this earth.....on the wings of an Eagle.....
Wahlberg's Eagle:

Birding in 2011......

Black-bellied Bustard:

And another Orange-breasted Bush-Shrike;

On the Saturday morning at 02h30 we left the camp, heading for Crook's Corner to wait for the dawn chorus. Just out of the camp, I picked up my third lifer for the weekend, Bronze-winged Courser. I have searched high and low for this specie! So finally found it. The other two lifers I found was Arnott's Chat and Pennant-winged Nightjar the previous day.

Birding in 2011......

One of the first trips done this year, was to participate in West Rand Honorary Ranger's Big Birding Weekend, this year up in Punda Maria, Nothern Kruger....
These are some of the birds seen there: